Class XII CBSE 2023 Result

Class XII CBSE-2023

Number of Students Appeared : 189
Number of First Divisions : 187

Number of students scoring 95% and above : 24/189 (12.7%)
Number of students scoring 90% and above : 77/189 (40.7%)
Number of students scoring 85% and above : 103/189 (54.5%)
Number of students scoring 80% and above : 126/189 (66.7%)
Number of distinctions : 152/189 (80.4%) (Number of students scoring 75% and above)
Number of students scoring 60% and above : 187/189 (98.9%)

School Average Percentage : 84.4%

Highest Aggregate Marks

Khushi (Commerce) : 97.8%
Agrima Sudhir (Non-Medical) : 97.4%
Sanya (Humanities) : 97.4%
Malaya Gupta (Medical) : 94.8%

Number of students with 100 in individual subject

Business Studies : 4
Accountancy : 3
Economics : 2
Chemistry : 2
Informatics Practices : 2
Sociology : 1
Physical Education : 1