British Council ISA activity -“Water-The Life Saviour”

The British Council ISA activity -“Water-The Life Saviour” was undertaken by Class VIII students of Delhi Public School, Chandigarh to apprise them of the necessity to conserve and save water. The activity involved research and analysis of various water conservation methods followed in other countries like Tanzania, Brazil and Singapore.
The children were taught to be responsible human beings who understand the importance of water conservation through a variety of fun-filled activities like collage making, poster making , slogan writing ,doing home water audits and making models. The students came up with beautiful collages and posters in which they showed the dire consequences the world would have to face if people continue to misuse water in the ways they are doing today.
The online science exhibition drew a very enthusiastic response despite all educational institutions being closed due to the pandemic. The students made a stunning display of their innovative projects on water conservation. Some of the notable self-designed models displaying children’s creativity and ingenuity were on rain water harvesting and recycling of water.
The activities helped to generate high interest among students about the various methods they can adopt to save water. They also vowed to encourage their family and friends to take proper measures for water conservation. The month long online learning activity was very effective in making children aware about water conservation.