DPS, Chandigarh Engages in Virtual Meeting

In step with the ties, Delhi Public School, Chandigarh continues to fulfill its promise to imparting holistic education even on a virtual platform. Undertaking the British Council ISA Project ‘Knowing Women Worldwide’, the school organized an interactive session with its partner school T/Methodist Girls College, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. The collaborative session aimed to create awareness about the role of women in India as well as in Sri Lanka. Students very enthusiastically expressed their ideas and were seen engaged in an animated discussion. The students as part of the collaboration have been actively involved in various activities like poster making, comparison of life style of rural and urban women in both countries and tracing the timeline of women achievers. Through an exchange of e-mails and power point presentations children developed an appreciation for women achievers who have contributed in various ways. The Principal, Mrs. Reema Dewan appreciated the students of both countries for their efforts and encouraged to partake in more such stimulating sessions. Given the restraining of the pandemic, this virtual session was truly invigorating for the students.