UDAAN – 2011

Junior Sports Day at DPS Chandigarh

Class II of Delhi Public School, Chandigarh organized their Annual sports meet ‘UDAAN’ on 29th April, 2011. It was a day full of fun and frolic as the students brimming with enthusiasm assembled in their respective House arenas.

The meet was given a flying start by the Principal Mrs. Reema Dewan, who lit the torch and declared the sports meet open. This was followed by a March Past by various house contingents. Next came an enthralling display of drills by the gallant dipsites. The students of class III cheered their house participants and spurred them to go beyond their best during the fun and the relay races. The teachers also actively took part in a brisk walking race. The meet concluded on a happy note with the Principal Mrs. Dewan congratulating the winners. The confidence and the beaming smiles of the winners to the victory stand conveyed the message of many potential sport stars at DPS sports ground.